Village Parallèle Package - 1 night - Hôtel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville

From $145.00 / pers. double occupancy

Valid from to

Hôtel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville

600 boulevard Saint-Joseph
J2C 2C1
Find also Hôtel & Suites Le Dauphin Drummondville on :
How to get there


  • Lodging
  • 3-course dinner at the Globe-Trotter Restaurant (optional)
  • Full breakfast at the Globe-Trotter Restaurant
  • A tour of the Parallel Village - EVENING, WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY
  • Service included

Additional Information :

Taxes not included.


As soon as night falls, the site comes alive with the Village Parallèle. A multimedia and participatory scenography, light installations

video projections and an original soundtrack create an unexpected contrast with the period village.

Visitors are invited to spend the evening with friends, exploring indoor and outdoor activations, enjoying a drink or a bite to eat, and taking in all that the village has to offer in nocturnal mode.

Come and enjoy this unique Moment Factory experience from the end of June!

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