Ville de Nicolet

A city to discover, a city to live!

180 rue Monseigneur-Panet
Nicolet (Quebec)
J3T 1S6
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Founded in 1672, Nicolet is one of the oldest towns in Quebec. With its ideal location at the confluence of the rivière Nicolet (Nicolet River) and lac Saint-Pierre (Lake St.Pierre), Nicolet is part of the Village-relais network and offers activities, services and attractions in a rural setting interspersed with dairy and field crop farms.

It has a rich architectural, cultural, historical and religious heritage. The cathedral in this town is an outstanding example. Created by Jean-Paul Charland of Nicolet, the stained glass window on the front is unique because of its dimensions. In the morning and noon sun, it is stunning. The cathedral also boasts a Casavant organ dating back to 1909. This municipality is a delightful combination of a charming location and vivacious people and host part of the Route des Navigateurs.

Citizens and visitors will appreciate:

  • Rich architectural, cultural, historical and religious heritage
  • Activities, services and attractions to be discovered (Port Saint-François and the Lake St. Pierre Biosphere Reserve, fishing, sandy beach and wharf).
  • A rural setting dotted with dairy farms and vast fields of crops.

Population : 8726

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